Enrollment Requirements:

Those interested in applying for the graduate program at Caucasus University must:
Pass the graduate entrance test in the English Language & an Admission Interview at the Caucasus School of Technology


Papers to be submitted


  • Completed online application form (with uploaded CV & photo and statement of purpose, where you must tell us why is it important for you to study at the program and how will it be beneficial for your career growth)
  • Certified copies of your undergraduate diploma & transcripts
  • Copy of ID card
  • One letter of Recommendation
  • Notarized translation of documents if they are issued in a foreign language
  • 1 passport size photo/CD
  • Certificate confirming passing the Unified National Examination




  • Document submission: September 5, 2024 - Room A2;
  • Admission and Grant Testing: September 6-7, 2024;
  • Interview with the admissions committee: September 9-10, 2024.


Tuition Fee:

There are two ways to obtain a CU grant:


  • If you are / were a graduate of any university bachelor's program and have a bachelor's total weighted average (GPA) of 3.5 and above


  • If you earn 65% or more of the maximum grant score on the Unified Master's Exam  

If you meet both of these conditions, you will be able to apply for a grant and get funding.

The annual price of the Master's Program is:
Standard CU fee When obtaining CU grant When obtaining State and CU grant
5 950 GEL 2 975 GEL 1 850GEL
In the case GPA of a graduate of the Caucasus University is lower than 3.5, he/she will get 10% funding of the total tuition fee.