An online conference was held on October 19-23 in the framework of the project Media Dialogue 2020 - for Pluralism und Understanding, with the participation of Caucasus University
Caucasus University Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project "Triangle Effect of European Studies at schools" (TEESS) in Akhaltsikhe Public Schools
In the frames of Erasmus + Jean Monnet project "Triangle Effect of European Studies at Schools" (TEESS) was organized workshops in Akhaltsikhe on October 19-22, 2020
Energy-Performance contract and their conclusion in the state procurement process
By Levan Mosakhlishvili — Associate Professor of Law at the Caucasus University and the Energy Ambassador of the EFIX project in Georgia. He is an author of 7 books, 23 articles and an author or co-author of 14 researches
An article of Caucasus University lecturer about Moodle Platform
An article of Caucasus University associate professor, Khatuna Chanishvili was published in International online Journal “International Journal of Multilingual Education”
Presentation of Jean Monnet project "Legal Face of the European Union"
On October 15, within the framework of Erasmus + Days, Caucasus University hosted the presentation of the winning project of the 2020 Jean Monnet Project "Legal Face of the European Union" to the management, administrative and academic staff of Caucasus University
Final event of Project Integrity
Final event of Project Integrity On October 5, the first International Conference on Academic Integritywas held as part of the "Integrity" project. Caucasus University President, Dr. Kakha Shengelia signed a declaration of academic integrity at the conference
Grant Competition Strategic Partnerships in Response to the Covid-19 Challenge
Within the framework of the Erasmus + program, a project competition was announced "Strategic Partnerships in Response to the Covid-19 Challenge"
Competition within the project "Media Dialogue 2020 for Pluralism and Understanding"
We would like to inform you that Caucasus University announces the admission of participants for the project "Media Dialogue 2020 for Pluralism and Understanding"
Grant Competition Horizon 2020-Specific Grant Agreement European Low-Power Microprocessor Technologies 2020
We would like to inform you that the European Commission has announced a competition for project applications "Specific Grant Agreement European Low-Power Microprocessor Technologies 2020" within the framework of the Horizon 2020 program