The objective of the bachelor's program in healthcare management is to train healthcare management specialists who are competitive in both local and international labor markets, highly qualified, equipped with relevant knowledge and values, who thoroughly understand the theory and practice of healthcare management; who can work in the public or private field of health care in the direction of organizational management, understand the role of state and private healthcare organizations in society; acquire effective communication skills and critically understand the importance of healthcare organizations in a democratic society; have the knowledge and practical ability to participate, in accordance with democratic principles, in the construction of a development-oriented healthcare sector.
The program was designed considering the demands of the medical market and the requirements of the labor market as perceived by both the private and public health sectors of Georgia. The program also takes into account the experience of leading foreign universities in the field of healthcare management and shares the established professional standards in healthcare management.
The goals of the Healthcare Management bachelor’s degree program of the Caucasus School of Business:
Training of highly qualified healthcare management specialists for the promotion of ongoing reforms in the health care sector. The program is focused on the development of the program's sectoral competencies among students, in particular, the acquisition of general and broad knowledge of healthcare administration, which implies the study of the main principles, theories and concepts of healthcare administration.