Professor Tengiz Verulava's scientific paper was published in the influential journal "BMC PSYCHOLOGY"

11 January 2021


Professor Tengiz Verulava's paper “Emotional intelligence: predictor of employees' wellbeing, quality of patient care, and psychological empowerment” has been published in the influential British international journal BMR.


The journal is indexed in SCOPUS (Elsevier) International Science Database, citation index - 2.4, as well as Web of Science International Science Database.


The paper was prepared in collaboration with the Caucasus School of Medicine and Healthcare Management and the School of Public Health in La Trobe University in Melbourne (Australia).


Research description:

The aim of the research was to study the impact of emotional intelligence on the well-being and professional development of medical staff and on the quality of medical services provided. Research has shown that emotional intelligence affects the psychological resilience, well-being and quality of medical care provided by medical staff. The medical care provided by medical staff with high emotional intelligence is of a much higher quality.

See the article at the link

See the PDF version of the article at the link

Karimi, L., Leggat, S.G., Bartram, T. Afshari, L., Sarkeshik, S., Verulava, T. Emotional intelligence: predictor of employees ’wellbeing, quality of patient care, and psychological empowerment. BMC Psychol 9, 93 (2021)